There is one question that has bothered me since I first watched Brum. Is Brum a man or a woman? I know Brum is a car, so technically we should refer Brum as 'it'. However, I'm sure the target audience of the show would assume Brum to have a gender. Well, unfortunately, I couldn't seem to find a answer. Maybe children don't actually expect Brum to have a gender and it is just me. :/ Feel free to comment if you have any evidence. My comments are open to anyone.
What I do like about Brum is how he gets away with sneaking pass that old geezer every time he goes to his work bench. We the audience can hear its engine brumming away. He must be death in his old age. Another thing I don't understand about Brum is why does Brum have to keep himself a secret from the old geezer when everyone in town knows that he is a living car. Its just out of order. Just because he is a old geezer with alzheimer's, and is probably repainting the same car part at his work bench a different colour every day because he can't remember what colour he decided apon, everyone else sees that as a good enough reason to keep him in the dark. Bear outerz.

He probably does have the old alzheimer's. He always finds a new item in the back seat of Brum and doesn't see a pattern. Alzheimer's is a terrible condition, especially for the people around you. However, for you, I can imagine it not being that bad. Like, you wouldn't have a clue what going on and that your going to die. And life, will literally be full of surprises. Have I gone a bit too far there? Anyway, I guess I wouldn't like to get it. Some alzheimer's awareness woman once told me that the earliest age someone has been diagnosed with alzheimer's was 23. Fuck that shit, I'm going home.
I wouldn't say Brum was my favourite show as a child, it has always been Thomas the Tank Engine. Did you know that Thomas the Tank Engine is the most suitable show for autistic children, due to the different colours, numbers, and simple facial expressions of the trains. I suggest you mention that next time autism is the subject of conversation.
My music recommendation this post will be a special one as I will recommend two albums. The first album of the post is 'Years of Refusal' by Morrissey. Decent tunes and the lyrics are hilarious, full of shit that only Morrissey can come up with. Here are some examples:

“Mama, why did you do it? Mama, who drove you to it? Was it the pigs in gray suits persecuting you? Uncivil servants, unconcerned that's how they frighten you?”
“There's a naked man standing, laughing in your dreams. You know who it is. But you don't like what it means.”
“I was a small, fat child in a council house. There was only one thing I ever dreamed about. And Fate has just Handed it to me – whoopee”
There are plenty more, but these are the ones I can recall at the moment. Seriously though, it is a good album.
I'm sure you will be able to guess what the next album is, since it is one of the

Catch yah on the flipside.
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